

Only that u sended me :D
I dont know how is the exact package called that tinycp uses (i need to know this becouse im using openvpn on ubuntu to connect to a vpn)
But when i installed tinycp openvpn thing the panel went slow as hell

Can they make a custom file for html too becouse for example if i would want to replace the logo image with a text i cant do that with a css same for editing any text i can just change the colors aka "how the page looks".


Notice:  Undefined variable: httpdroot in /opt/tinycp/www/mods/web/apache/__init.php on line 170
Notice: Undefined variable: configfile in /opt/tinycp/www/mods/web/apache/__init.php on line 170
Notice: Undefined variable: user in /opt/tinycp/www/mods/web/apache/__init.php on line 171
Notice: Undefined variable: group in /opt/tinycp/www/mods/web/apache/__init.php on line 172
Warning: file_put_contents(/): failed to open stream: Is a directory in /opt/tinycp/www/mods/web/apache/__init.php on line 188

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