Feature - Security

Security is a big concern for all of us. TinyCP offers you some tools that can help you with blocking and filtering of unwanted connections and access.


Contains 3 bigger sub-parts: manual rules, service access control and redirect manager.

Manual rules

Reject, drop or accept any network activities from external addresses on specific port ranges.

TinyCP - Manual rules


TinyCP scans for any known service running on your server and maps it together with any active IP address that's in use by your server.

You can use it to quickly disable access to services from certain external IP addresses (ie. disable MySQL access from WAN, so it is only accessible via OpenVPN)

TinyCP - Service blocker


This tool allows you to redirect external incoming connections to some internal IP and port.

TinyCP - Redirects


Guard is our custom system that reports any malicious attempts to access certain parts of your system or files. This is our alternative to Fail2ban.

It can log (and ban) for example failed SSH login attempts, mail login attempts etc.

TinyCP - Custom guard


Our OpenVPN module serves both as a client and server module. You can connect to remote server and other clients can connect to your server at the same time.

TinyCP - OpenVPN