Tiny panel with thin linux and thin webserver

Reported by: Ris
Created: 9 months 3 days ago
Views: 1630

Dear friends!

TinyCP is just super!

I am delighted with the work of the developers of this panel!

But there is a way to optimize not only the panel itself, but also the system on which this panel is installed!

Debian, Centos and Ubuntu take up a lot of disk space.

But there is a lightweight and functional Linux distribution, Alpine Linux!

ISO size 41 mb, installed system 142 mb.

They work successfully with this distribution: nginx, apache, openlitespeed, php7 and php8.

Also, many applications are already running on Alpine Linux!

But Alpine doesn't have a good web panel.

Yes, Webmin almost works on the Alpine (something works). But this is not what I would like!

I tried just copying TinyCP to Alpine and running it from mono. It almost works! The web interface is launched and it is possible to click on the menu items.

But the rest of the functions, of course, don't work.

Why don't the TinyCP developers consider porting the panel to Alpine Linux?

I think that the Alpine - TinyCP combination would be in great demand among the owners of small sites.

I also suggest considering the possibility of including Openlitespeed support in TinyCP.

This webserver combines the advantages of nginx and apache.

It is lightweight and understands settings from htaccess.

With all respect, Andrew.

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