The site is not available from Russia

Reported by: Bichukin Andrey
Created: 27 days ago
Last reply: 1 month 29 days ago
Views: 1752

Good afternoon! Unfortunately, our court and the Prosecutor's office blocked the ip on which your site is located. It is currently not possible to connect to it without using a vpn. As I see, the court's decision concerns the telegram service, which also uses your ip. Is it possible to change ip or add mirror? Even the server can't update anything. I would like to try v2 already. Thank you in advance for your help and in General for your work! Your control panel is very convenient.


I think you would change the port and not the ip, right? (http://ip:59032)

I think you can change the port in /opt/tinycp/etc/tinycp.conf


Thanks, but the first branch doesn't fit. Will the mechanism of upgrading to the second branch from the first on the working server be implemented somehow?

I see You are using old version of tinycp.

We don't support it since many months. Try migrate to V2

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