SSL renew bug

Reported by: Tibike8519
Created: 30 days ago
Last reply: 22 days ago
Views: 2344

Hi all!
Renew error message: 

Error creating new cert :: authorizations for these names not found or expired:, www.vps2.huProblem with renewing the SSL certificate for Try delete ceryficate manually [Let's Encrypt]

Current Version number: 462

Have the same error message, tried to delete SSL, however, received this message below:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /opt/tinycp/www/mods/web/apache/domain-ssl-acme.php:330 Stack trace: #0 /opt/tinycp/www/inc/UrlHandler.class.php(52): include() #1 /opt/tinycp/www/index.php(223): UrlHandler->IncludeFile() #2 {main} thrown in /opt/tinycp/www/mods/web/apache/domain-ssl-acme.php on line 330
At this point, I can no longer add SSL to my desired domain.Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS
Version number: 462

Any updates?


do you have any work around for this bug? 

Found a quick fix.

Went to /opt/tinycp/domains/

Deleted these files instead.

From here, generate a new SSL for your domain. This should work now, but this is just a temporary fix. 

Thanks @k! 

And what's next?
No more updates and features?
Last update: 2018-12-12 22:43:17
Development continues?


That is a good question. It would be best if we will wait for TinyCP release new updates. 

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