[SOLVED] How to disable an Alias? (TinyCP v2)

Reported by: Desarrollosweb
Created: 6 months 24 days ago
Last reply: 6 months 11 days ago
Views: 793

Hello, i'm using TinyCP v2, and the situation is this.. I have a domain ponting to a Sentora Panel, so, i redirect chat.domain.ltd to another server that have TinyCP, so, i created a website domain.ltd and then i created a subdomain chat.domain.ltd. the issue is TinyCP create the subdomain besides an alias called www.chat.domain.ltd., i would like to delete this alias but i can't. The reason it's because i can't make SSL certification with Let's Encrypt. Thanks

After seeing a lot of requests for default aliases removal (www and autodiscovery) - we are enabling that option in future releases (should be available in coming days).

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