Letsencrypt and DNS

Reported by: Dmouradov
Created: 1 month 5 days ago
Last reply: 9 months 12 days ago
Views: 503

Hi, I really like your project !! there is only what i need "almost"

already ready to pay double price but..

1. Tinycp have letsencrypt auto renew ?

2. In the near future, in Tinycp will be a dns function ?  (without this, it is not serious)


I agree @Wojtek, DNS management should be left to domain providers. TinyCP is simple and elegant the way it is, adding such unnecessary functions will "clutter" the whole application interface, that is why I left other control panels. @Dmouradov, LESS is MORE.

well, I just came here to say, that I'm mainly missing exactly this feature; dns.

ofc I can leave dns to my domain provider, but since I have multiple domains from multiple providers I was looking for a way to manage all of them at one place.

huge letdown, sorry.

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