Domain name check

Reported by: Gino
Created: 5 months 27 days ago
Last reply: 5 months 27 days ago
Views: 357

The control panel doesn't check the format of the domain name, for example you can create a domain named "a/./" or "A...II." 

The domain "a/./"  result also impossible to delete after created.

After deleted test domain with no standard rules character, the folders are still in /opt/tinycp/domains

/opt/tinycp/domains# ls
 a   a...ii.   a...ii..   a..ii.   a.ii.   aa  'aaa"aa%'

Example of subsequent error after creation

Generating Self Signed SSL: openssl req -subj '/CN=a/./' -new -key /opt/tinycp/domains/a/.//ssl/ssl-selfsigned.key -out /opt/tinycp/domains/a/.//ssl/ssl-selfsigned.csr req: Hit end of string before finding the equals. problems making Certificate Request

These errors can also block nginx from starting because error in config.

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