[ACCEPTED] vsftp

Reported by: krubenrc3
Created: 3 months 14 days ago
Last reply: 3 months 14 days ago
Views: 356

Hi, i cant connect with FTP over TLS explicit, only i can connect with text plain.

Also report about a feature, when i upload files they dont have correct permisions for www-data, for example, wordpress cant edit his files.

I dont know as do this, i think that plesk or cpanel when you upload a file, he change the permissions or have diferrent configuration in apache, but you always have ownship of files.


We need to find out what are the problems with TLS. Thank You for your bug report.
vsftpd server binds ftp account with one system user.
I think one fast solution will be to allow creating account with "www-data" user.
So far to upload files into website directories use SFTP clients like WinSCP.

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