Benchmark details

Server information:

OS: Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)
Kernel: Linux 4.4.134-1-pve
CPU name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz
CPU cores: 8
Frequency: 4000 MHz
BogoMIPS: 6816 MHz
Memory: 63
Disk capacity: 460
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CPU performance:

Test Score All Providers and Plans
Best Worst Mean
GZIP 35.482 sec 6.933 sec 462.921 sec 24.733 sec
BZIP2 22.325 sec 8.299 sec 380.803 sec 32.009 sec
SHA1SUM 65.007 sec 2.707 sec 742.87 sec 18.926 sec
SHA256SUM 67.352 sec 3.683 sec 769.019 sec 22.46 sec
MD5SUM 64.73 sec 2.736 sec 725.579 sec 18.465 sec

Disk IO performance:

Test Score All Providers and Plans
Best Worst Mean
Read (cache) 1021.42 MB/s 1653.33 MB/s 25.824 MB/s 554.689 MB/s
Read (no cache) 466.516 MB/s 1550 MB/s 16.32 MB/s 413.396 MB/s
Write 456.554 MB/s 965.732 MB/s 4.078 MB/s 276.81 MB/s

Ping results:

Location Score All Providers and Plans
Best Worst Mean
Europe 20.931 ms 0.211 ms 386.14 ms 68.993 ms
North America 107.892 ms 0.364 ms 347.108 ms 93.109 ms
South America 226.922 ms 0.951 ms 468.285 ms 203.78 ms
China 330.487 ms 12.45 ms 537.225 ms 255.028 ms
Australia 321.489 ms 0.619 ms 446.833 ms 249.471 ms